In my last post I told you about a lady who asked me for help with starting affiliate marketing.
This caught me by surprise so I asked my friends and affiliate partners at Internet Profits (actually in the Affiliate System private community) if they could help me handle this situation.
As I told you, the answers came quickly and it came out that, the better in our opinions, was to send her to optin for my newsletter.
Other answers came in the following days and one in particular made me rethink the process a little bit more.
Starting with Glenn.
Glenn is one of our coach in Internet Profits. He is a very experienced blogger with a large knowledge in affiliate marketing.
If you want to know him more, you can visit his blog right here.
Glenn answer’s came with the following rationale.
“Hypotheticaly speaking” he said, “how would you help her if you didn’t have any of those things you have now”, talking about my newsletter, lead magnets, mailing list, and other resources where I could have sent my lead to.
“Think of what you would do or say in that scenario and maybe that could be the route that you take instead.”
Based on Glenn idea, my first approach of sending her to my newsletter might have been different if my starting point, the angle at which I was handling the situation, was different.
You see, I was thinking HOW she could help ME instead of thinking HOW I could help HER. Even If my intentions were good, I was considering the wrong approach to the question and this was causing my discomfort at writing the best answer for her.
At the end of the day, if the best help I can give her is by sending her to one of my affiliate resources, then it’s fine.
“However, it’s a valuable and sobering exercise to always approach questions like that from the point of zero benefit to you”, said Glenn. “That way, you’re sure to give the best possible answer and help regardless of whether you benefit”.
This makes a lot of sense though.
If the other person sees I’m willing to help without any expectation of receiving something of benefit in the process, it can skyrocket the other person’s perception of me and my business.
As result, I can end-up actually being more likely to benefit, whereas, the opposite is also true; on this, Glenn warns: “if you send someone to something of yours, this can end up feeling suspicious an skeptical.”
Lesson learned Glenn!
Then came Sophie.
Sophie is another specialist and coach at Internet Profits. She has a Youtube channel you can see it here.
She succeeded to monetize her channel and still now in the process of growing her business. She is very good at doing Facebook ads while combining that with email marketing.
Sophie came with an answer to my question going in same direction to what Glenn said, but telling how she actually would handle the situation.
She said: “I would start by simply answering this person’s (talking about my lead) question and telling her how to start. Then I would ask her if this makes sense. Depending on her answer, I might ask if she’d like the link to your blog for further information. But I wouldn’t necessarily. “
Here Sophie is using her intuition based on how she feels the other person’s is reacting.
She added: “I’d first see how the person reacts to what I’ve shared to help her. If I have to share a link, I would definitely ask the person to say yes before sending anything”
These are all good ways indeed to deal with a potential lead you might meet on social medias. I just wanted to share these to you hoping you’ll find value through this as I found.
Unfortunately, the opportunity did end as soon as it started.
I asked the person to DM me such that I could help her, but I never received any answer, sadly. Did I take too much time before I gave her my response? I don’t know.
However I’m taking from this experience a wonderful lesson of communication. Learning to communicate with your audience.
This is what it was all about.
Give me your thoughts in the comment section below. I would love to hear from you. I’m curious to know, if you are delving a little with affiliate marketing and social medias, did you ever had someone asking you for your help in starting their online business?
Don’t forget. If you are someone who think about starting affiliate marketing and wants to know more about it, without actually spending any money, then subscribe to my newsletter. I have valuable gifts for you. Simply click the upper banner on the right side of this page.
Take a well pondered decision. Don’t rush, climb that mountain in order to have the larger view.
If starting your own online business and be on your way to living your dream life is what you decide to do, then go ahead.
Like an eagle diving from the sky down to its prey, take a convincing action. I’ll be there to guide you.
Take care.

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