A Healthy Ride to Wealth

On Track To Success: Milestone Reached!

Oh boy, what a step I have accomplished! What a relief!

Last summer if you had told me I will have done all the things I did so far by the second month of the new year, I would have said: “no way man!”

It is impressive how humans can do progress by making mistakes, trying again, solving an issue to be confronted to another one.

And issue after issue, problem solved after problem solved we reach a milestone and…wow!… I’m there! I finally got there!

Suddenly all the pain, all the efforts I did, are almost forgotten, instantly!

Lessons are learned and I no longer have to do them again.

Like a sport car on a racing track, I have reached the pit-stop.

Time to refresh, get a shot of Gatorade to pump-up my energy and I’m ready to race again.

A Retrospect

In June 2023, I officially started my affiliate marketing journey under the mentorship of Dean Holland and Internet Profits.

I was starting without knowing too much where this was going to lead me. Since then, I have learned so much things!

I think I’ve changed also.

I no longer have the feeling to be an impostor. I feel more confident doing the tasks I have to do.

I try to not compare myself to others. When I do, it’s to be constructive and get new ideas.

However I still play Zelda and procrastinate on time. 😬

Not that there is something wrong with playing video games but, looking at the free time I have (understated the time I don’t have) I consider it’s better to optimize it a maximum.

Now I have both a WHY and a GOAL reflecting where I want to go.

How I will get there is part of my PLAN and for this, I’ve put my confidence in my mentor. I try to do my best by following what he says.

I go step by step, slowly but surely. My efforts and my actions are well compensated by my wins.

Hence I have reached recently my 2nd milestone and I’m proud of it!! 🥳

The path to this milestone was on crumble stone and wasn’t straightforward as I needed to adapt it along the way.

In order to take a look at what I have accomplished to reach this milestone, I took a copy of the PLAN I wrote when I started it (see “Will I reach my Goal?“) and wrote what I finally end-up doing to complete this milestone. See below:

My Plan for Milestone 2
  • Find a domain name for my blog;
    • Bought domain “martinlefebvreblog.com” on NameCheap;
    • Task completed.
  • Buy hosting for a website;
    • Bought a full access to the Affiliate System online marketing platform once it was released.
  • Build and structure the website;
    • Started a WordPress blog on Affiliate System, customized and worked out the design; this is my own asset.
    • Task completed.
  • Choose offers;
    • Offer “The IceBergEffect” book by Dean Holland.
    • Task completed.
  • Write a “My Story” section;
    • Written and revised many times;
    • Task completed.
  • Write a “Contact” section;
    • Written and revised many times;
    • Task completed.
  • Write Legal Information;
    • Written and revised many times;
    • Task completed.
  • Write at least 10 posts;
    • I post weekly, got 10 posts and continue posting;
    • Task Completed.
  • Find a gift and build my lead magnet optin page;
    • Got 2 gifts to offer for free. Click on my lead magnet banner for details.
    • Task completed.
    • Note: the email marketing funnel required to build an email list start with the optin page, followed by a “Thank You” and a download page. The tools required to do it were all available on Builderall. Hence, building and assembling the funnel was relatively easy then. Before I got on the Affiliate System plateform, I changed my website provider from Builderall to one offering a cheaper access to WordPress. Starting from there I ended-up with no tools to build and assemble my email marketing funnel. See “I Received a Slap on the Wrist”. Fortunately, came the release of the Affiliate System platform which solved all my problems.
  • Build a thank you page;
    • Task completed.
    • Note: Because now I use a double optin funnel system to increase the probability of having FANS on my email list, this step was added since the first released of this PLAN in “Will I reach my Goal”. At that time, I used only a single optin so that I needed only a download page. The “Thank You” page informs the lead to take a look at his/her mailbox for indications to validate the subscription request if he/she wants to receive my newsletter.
  • Build a download page;
    • Task completed.
    • See also the note above.
  • Find a provider of email marketing tools and install an automated sequencer;
    • Got onto Affiliate System. There are all the tools I need on the platform.
    • Task completed.
  • Create a subdomain for email marketing and authenticate with DMARK protection;
    • I created “m.martinlefebvreblog.com” as my subdomain from which I send and receive emails.
    • Task completed.
    • Note: This step was recently added in part to align with the new Google and Yahoo guidelines for bulk senders.
  • Write a sequence of emails for my mailing list;
    • Not required for now. The new Google and Yahoo guidelines introduced the needs to avoid sending aggressive and short draft of email sequences. I send one email once a week as part as my Newsletter.
    • Task completed.
  • Open a Facebook account, build a Facebook page, start posting;
    • I have my Facebook page linked to my blog.
    • Task completed.
  • Open a Quora account and start answering questions related to affiliate marketing;
    • Up to now, I have answered 115 questions and got 22 followers.
    • Task completed.

As you see, it looks relatively simple like this but understand that the devil is really in the details.

This hasn’t been as straightforward as it seems if you take a look at my previous posts.

The phase 2, or the second milestone, of my PLAN is now behind me as I got on my way to reach my 3rd milestone: get one dollar in commission.

Time For Some Traffic

Let’s the fun begins! My machine to generate FANS is built and functional online.

Still I have a lot to learn. I need to go outside my blog more than I ever did before.

Now I need to put my own asset (this blog) and my affiliate links in front of people.

And to generate traffic what should I do?

Indeed. Learn to use the different social medias available.

You know what? I’m really bad at it.

I have yet to read the book “Social Media For Dummies” and I’m expecting to have a hard time for playing the game of social medias!

The fear again.

But I have to do it, and more than that…I have to become good at doing the tasks that need to be done to generate traffic.

That’s the way, and there is no other way out.

I have to be good at creating social media content, engaging with people, and establishing relationships.

It’s possible that in the next weeks and months you hear from me a bit more. It’s likely that if you are reading this post now, this is because I did my job correctly.

On my next post, I will release my PLAN for the 3rd milestone.

You are going to want to learn what I learn as I get trainings and teachings from my mentor Dean Holland.

This time, I’m on my way for my first dollar in commission.

Starting from the release date of this post, how many time will I take to get there? Any idea?

Please, answer this question in the comments below.

Then, bookmark this blog and come often if you want to know the answer.

Have a nice day.



20 Responses to “On Track To Success: Milestone Reached!”

  1. kae ward Avatar

    I really like how you have laid out all of the accomplishments. You (we) have really accomplished a lot and how cool is that! Can’t wait to see where we are 6 months or a year from now!
    Keep up the most excellent work!

    1. Martin Lefebvre Avatar

      For sure I will do my best, with the time I have, to work the things that build up traffic. It’s time for the ground work.
      Stay tuned!

  2. Alison Blaire Avatar

    Martin, congratulations on all that you have accomplished so far; truly something to celebrate! 🎉 It is so important to celebrate all the wins along the way; helps keep the momentum going!!!!!

    1. Martin Lefebvre Avatar

      Thank you Alison! Absolutely, let celebrate every little wins. It makes us realize we make progress.

  3. Kate Loving Shenk Avatar

    Great outline of what we are doing here! I appreciate that. I agree, I wouldn’t have thought I’d actually get into the rhythm and habit of posting written content, podcast and video every single day. These are my non-negotiables. Everything else is learning and expansion.

    1. Martin Lefebvre Avatar

      Hi Kate, you are very committed to your business. You impress me! You seem to do a lot each day! Glad you have the time for it. Keep on the good work!
      Thank you for commenting.

  4. Robert Klein Avatar

    Martin, you are another cohort that has started on this journey right about the same time I did. Congratulations on reaching this milestone and that first dollar commission will be a charm. I look forward to what your plan will be for reaching your 3rd milstone and beyond.

    I don’t hate to say it – and you’ve heard it before…so in answer to your question – Focus on the Process, and the Results Will Come!

    1. Martin Lefebvre Avatar

      Yes you are right, we started near the same time! 😊 The process, focus on the process…It’s too easy to look at the outcome and get distracted.
      Thank you Robert for reminding me. I always appreciate your comments!

  5. Steve Moore Avatar

    Hi Martin. Enjoyed reading about your milestones. Reminded me that yes, as well as looking ahead, planning and having long term and short term goals we need to reflect on just how far we’ve come on the journey, what we’ve learned and the progress we’ve made and be really proud of that. Oh and by the way well done on your milestone

    1. Martin Lefebvre Avatar

      Thank you Steve. I feel now exciting to go to the next milestone and at the same time, proud to have accomplished that so far.

  6. Marc Avatar

    Hi Martin,
    Gotta put that fear in your back pocket!
    Great to read that you’re going forward and only one big word comes to mind for your accomplishments: WOW!
    Looking forward to reading your continued journey.

    1. Martin Lefebvre Avatar

      Thanks Marc, the journey continue! Just posted a TikTok 30sec video. The first of a sequence as a secondary traffic strategy. Took me the whole day to do it. I was never satisfied, and had to fight against the blanks at all times. My pocket is not wide enough to take all the fears I have doing this.

  7. Atif Perwiz Avatar

    Martin, well done that’s amazing. Isn’t it incredible when you stop turn around and look back and see what you’ve done the last few months. It’s truly amazing. Laid out very clearly all the steps you’ve taken and what you’ve accomplished. What’s really exciting now is the next few months where you’ll be generating traffic. This is where things get really critical. We have lots to learn and then we have to put it into action using social media platforms or pay ad depending. Exciting times ahead well done , Atif

    1. Martin Lefebvre Avatar

      Right. The next milestone is going to be very exciting indeed. Now I feel really out of my comfort zone.

  8. Meredith Moore Avatar

    Hi Martin,
    Great post you have there… I like how you mention everything that you have achieved from the time you started your affiliate marketing business. I think that it’s important to recognize those accomplishments, whether they are big or small. They are still wins. Excellent Job! I look forward to your next post. Thanks!

    1. Martin Lefebvre Avatar

      Thank you Meredith! Recognizing our accomplishments is to recognize we have done progress. Making progress is making steps that bring us closer to our goals.

  9. Nakina Lawson Avatar

    Woohoo, Martin! You really have come a long way!

    I have just added Social Media for Dummies to my Amazon cart. It sounds like that might be just what I need. I was active on Facebook when it first began but have stayed off all social media since. A quick overview sounds like just what I need.

    I’ve used those books here and there, and they can be very helpful.

    Thanks for the idea! I, too, am fearful of the wide, all-consuming world of social media. There’s so much of it now! And I would rather read a book! Lol! I set up my social sharing buttons on my blog this weekend. I suppose I have to make profiles now. Listen to me! It’s not that hard. Lol!

    Well, here we go! Cheers to us! Onward and Upward, my friend!

    1. Martin Lefebvre Avatar

      Good to hear we’re on the same boat. Lets go and break the ice! Lets build those profiles and tell the world who we are!


  10. CJ Ransom Avatar


    Congratulations on hitting your first 2 milestones. As you look at the list of accomplishments it’s easy to check things off but as you said, “the victory is in the details”.

    Now it’s onward and upward to milestone 3.

    I know you got this and look forward to celebrating the completion of your 3rd milestone.


    1. Martin Lefebvre Avatar

      Yes I look forward to celebrate the 3rd milestone. However, I should focus on the process now that will get me there. Another learning curve with new challenges ahead!
      Thank you CJ, I appreciate your comment.


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