It’s summer vacation time! 😎🏖️
Yeah! It’s summer vacation with it’s annual lot of family activities, trip to the beaches, and BBQs.

I waited almost a year for this moment.
Does this means I punched out for my affiliate marketing business?
But reality is, I don’t have more time to put on it than if I was working full time at my day job.
Why? You would say?
Because… Well, because… it’s vacation and yes I’m lazy, and yes I like to take it smooth while on vacation. That’s it.
However, in the last two weeks, even if I didn’t post anything on my blog, I was nevertheless a little efficient as the first thing I do was to clear my flow of 15 emails for welcoming leads coming in from my Facebook lead ads campaigns.
Yes I want to dive myself into the realm of Facebook lead ads, and this will start soon. Well, as soon as I get my business ready for it.
In this post I want to present what I did, how I structured my resources, and how I’m able to make all this stuff works for me.
My automated email flows
For you, I did a nice sketch to show my drawing abilities.😊
I’m proud of it.
I’m proud because it’s a sketch I did on my reMarkable tablet (it’s like an electronic sheet of paper) that I uploaded here. I use this tablet like I would do on normal paper. It looks indeed like if you have a real piece of paper before you. This shiny object is often surprising me, so be prepared to see more of my terrific drawings in my near future posts. 😁

The sketch below shows the automated flows I created in Affiliate System, you know, the platform I’m using to manage my business and that offers me all the tools I need in one place?
In this case, Affiliate System makes it really easy to do your email flows like the ones I’m about to describe below.
By embedding a CRM (Customer Relationship Management) software, Affiliate System provides once again a very important feature for email marketing and an indispensable tool for the affiliate marketer.
The CRM allows me to aggregate, organize, and manage my audience data in one place.
Each time a lead opt-in for my newsletter or on a Facebook form, they are automatically registered by the CRM on a contact list. Thanks also to the Facebook account integration, which allows for every incoming leads to be handled simply by the CRM, without installation and configuration headache.
As you surely know, I work to build and grow an email list of fans.
This will be my own audience, an audience that belongs to no one else than me.
It’s indeed a huge advantage to have this asset because you don’t depends on constraining policies from other platforms.
As we say “money is in the list!” provided you follow-up with a well balanced mix of content and offers.
This is also the purpose of my newsletter: to follow-up. But don’t worry, my subscribers are in good hands with me. 😊
Before this week, there was only one way to get on my email list for my newsletter. This was by accessing the opt-in page at the entrance of what I call my newsletter funnel.
Now I added another pathway. This path is the one that will take care of the leads coming from my Facebook lead ads campaigns.
Let me describe both paths now.

the Newsletter funnel

If you want to subscribe to my newsletter, you can access my opt-in page by clicking on the banner I have done for this purpose on the upper right side (the widget side) of this blog page, or by clicking on the link I give you here.
If you opt-in, i.e. if you enter your email address in the pop-up form that appears after you have clicked on the “Get My Free Gifts” button, you will be brought to a “Thank you” page.
This is what I call the first opt-in and you enter the funnel I show on the right hand side of my piece of art drawing above.
My “Thank You” page is a very simple web page that just say “thank you” and that reminds you to look in your mailbox for the email I sent you.
Hence, if you look in your inbox after you opt-in with a valid email address, you will notice that you indeed received an email asking you to confirm you really want to receive my newsletter.
To confirm, you simply need to click on the link I give you inside the email’s text, this will grant you access to the gifts.
This link is called a “trigger link”. Once you click on it, it will trigger another sequence of events, that is, another flow of actions will take place.

This new sequence starts by assigning a “opt-in confirmed” tag to the contact.
This tag is then visible next to the contact name in my CRM. It tells me that this lead is a “confirmed” lead and that he/her wants to receive my newsletter.
The trigger link sends you to the gift page for you to see your videos and explain what you can expect from me being on my email list.
You are now subscribed to receive my newsletter.
Then an email is sent to you that says thanks for confirming and that gives you the link to get to the gifts page.
It’s possible that my emails finds the way of your “junk mail” folder. In that case it’s important you tell your system these are legit emails and that you want them in your inbox.
The Facebook lead campaign flow
If you see my ad on Facebook and you are interested by the lead magnet I offer through that ad, then you might decide to click on it. Doing this will bring you to an instant, pre-filled form, with your first name and your email address.
The form is still rendered on Facebook. This means it don’t belongs to me.
When you opt-in, Facebook will instantly notify my CRM in Affiliate System that a new lead has opted-in, thanks to the Facebook integration feature, and Affiliate System will then automatically take you in charge.
You are now on my own asset, my domain, and you are entering the left hand side of my eyes popping drawing above.

You are ready to enter an exciting and entertaining welcoming sequence of 15 emails, one per day.
The first email thanks you for your interest and gives you the link to reach my first gift page, that is, my lead magnet.
Then, day after day through this sequence of daily emails, you will be brought to know me and my business. I’ll make you discover what is affiliate marketing and how it is like to be an online entrepreneur as one starts this journey.
Often during this sequence I will remind you to visit my website, I mean this blog.
I’m also occasionally promoting the free “Iceberg Effect” book by Dean Holland because I’m totally convinced this is a must-have book to read if you are seriously interested in starting your own affiliate marketing online business.
At email 7, there is another gift that awaits you.
The purpose is to encourage you to continue opening my emails, give you more information for starting your own online business, and give you the same gifts as if you subscribed directly to my newsletter via my opt-in page.
At email 15, unless you unsubscribe, you are automatically registered to my newsletter with a “confirmed opt-in” tag. You are also invited to go to my gift page, where you can see both videos on the same page and a description of what awaits you as a subscriber of my newsletter.
Ready for my first campaign
With this in place, I’m now ready to accept my first leads.
I think that by starting myself with paid ads, and by progressively improving my skills with this method of traffic generation, I can certainly give the boost I need to make my blog known and get people on my contact list for my newsletter.
The next step for me will be to prepare and launch my first campaign in Facebook.
I’ll give you the details of my experience in my next post.
Before you go, don’t forget to leave a little comment below. If you have any question, about Affiliate System or any topic of this Blog, you’ll find my email address in my Contact page.
Take care,

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