This week I decided to take a blog pause. I apologize but I’m not going to post today.
Anyway, I haven’t prepared anything and have no idea what to say.
Maybe that’s because this week was too quiet.
Summer vacations are coming soon and with the warm days of summer hitting us, my mind, consistently wants me in a hammock comfortably installed under the shade of two big trees with a drink nearby.
I can feel the silence of quietness occasionally disturbed by the leaves dancing aimlessly within the drafts of a warm summer wind.
You know here in eastern Canada, winters are so long that when summers come, we want to benefit from them a max.
Summers go by and winters drag on. It’s like that.
Another reason why I didn’t prepare anything for my blog post this week is because I wanted to make place in my schedule for drafting emails.
You know, since several weeks now I want to learn how to do Facebook paid ads for lead traffic.
While my attempts at generating organic traffic is still in progress, I have some difficulties at maintaining the pace and consistency required to generate the followers and traffic I want.
Faced to this, I decided to look at paid ads.
Not that I have a lot of spare money to spend on ads (in fact I don’t have any) but I thought this investment would give a little boost to my business.

I don’t want to sound like I’m in a hurry of chasing money by anyway, but in fact… yeah I am. I see my debts increasing and there’s nothing I can do in the immediate that can help. I panic.
Look at me. I panic.
What Dean says about chasing money?… Something…It’s something like “don’t look the money, because it’s an end result…”

OK let’s take a deep breath.
“Don’t chase the money, focus on the process and money will come”. That’s it! I got it now.
OK, another deep breath… I feel better.
I know I should focus on the process and keep at it, but you know, when in a panic, it is difficult to take the right decisions.
In my case, I want more money now and when I see my debts increasing, vacations coming, the city taxes, the school inscriptions, and the car license renewal payment coming too soon, I…panic.
Sitting down in calm and thinking about a solution, makes me believe that paid ads finally could be a good solution to my traffic problem.
Throwing a little kick on the part of my business responsible to generate traffic can surely help. The kicking technique works because I prove it several times.
The last one was with my pool’s water pump. I don’t know why but my pool pump seemed stuck and was having problem rotating so I just throw a kick on it, well placed, and it restarted to work has it should.
Have to say that I didn’t wanted it to die now because replacing this kind of pump will cost me around a thousand of dollars $$$. You can surely well imagine what kind of kick it was.

Paid ads is obviously is a good skill to have in affiliate marketing when you miss the time to devote yourself entirely to organic means of traffic generation.
Paid ads are a good skill to have and surely one I could afford. Doing it profitably will require me to be good at it.
For this, the odds are on my side. There is a good coverage on paid ads with a large amount of lessons material at Internet Profits for training on this topic. Particularly, I took a lesson about doing a Facebook lead ad so I’m ready to do my first draft.
However ads is just the visible part of the Iceberg. Under, there are several things I need to do for the machine to be ready to accept the first leads.
So above I talked about drafting emails. Indeed, I’m preparing an automated sequence of 10 emails that my leads will receive. With these emails my intention is to present myself and introduce my affiliate marketing business.
Along the emails, I want to develop relationships with my leads, build trust, and I will consider a win if I succeed to initiate the seed of a new passion to them.
What will happen to my leads after my sequence of 10 emails? They will be automatically brought to my newsletter broadcast list, that is, the one you will surely want to be on. Easy, just click here and enter your email in the form. By doing this you will receive two FREE gifts with content made by my mentor Dean Holland, that will surely be helpful and of great value to you.
One may wondering, for the sake of justice, if the leads coming from my automated workflow will also receive the same gifts? My answer is Yes!
With the Facebook ads, they are presented a lead magnet, that is, one of the gift I offer to those who optin via my blog.
Then, somewhere in my email sequence, my strategy is to offer the second gift to keep the readers’ interests before I transferred them on my newsletter’s broadcast mailing list. There, everybody is happy and receives the same gifts. At any moment of course, they can unsubscribe if they decide too.
So again I apologize for having nothing to say this week forcing me to skip this Saturday’s post.
I just needed more time yesterday and need more time today to prepare for paid ads. I will show present next week so don’t miss it.
Take care and talk to you soon!
P.S. Did I just write a post?…🤔🙃

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