This week started on Monday April 22 with Earth’s day.
Earth’s Day is an annual event that unites people worldwide to increase awareness and address environmental issues like global warming and renewable energy.
It provides a platform for citizens and activists to come together and take meaningful action towards protecting the planet.

Do you believe what they say about global warming?
Throughout history, Earth’s temperature has typically changed gradually over hundreds of thousands of years.
However, the current trend of warming is occurring at a much faster rate than ever before.
I took this information, in the National Geographic article called: “Greenhouse Effect”.
The article says also that this rapid increase in temperature cannot be solely attributed to natural cycles of warming and cooling; human activities play a significant role in this phenomenon.
Scientists are concerned that the pace of climate change may outpace the ability of certain species to adapt to these changes.
Interesting! And also concerning…
Depending on our perspective, I agree that it’s hard to believe.
You see, this week we had day temperatures just turning +1ºC. We even had snow Wednesday afternoon.
Days like that, especially for end of April, are quite under the seasonal averages for my region. So it’s difficult to tell, based solely on local observations, if there is truly a warming phenomenon.
In fact, you need to adopt a larger perspective and consider temperature changes globally and over a long period of time. Also you must observe the impact of climate changes over the environment. Only there you will realize how alarming it is.
This job is under the responsibility of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), a committee established in 1988 that includes a thousands of scientists (meteorologists, geographers, climatologists, and other scientists from around the world) who review the most up-to-date research available related to global warming and climate change.
According to the IPCC and their computer simulations, it is projected that greenhouse gas emissions will persist in rising in the coming decades. This is anticipated to lead to an average global temperature increase of approximately 0.2 degrees Celsius (0.36 degrees Fahrenheit) per decade. Even in the scenario where greenhouse gas and aerosol emissions are reduced to their 2000 levels, a warming of around 0.1 degree Celsius (0.18 degrees Fahrenheit) per decade can still be expected.
There is always a cost associated to risk.
“Climate change will affect Earth’s ecosystems and people negatively in many ways, including.
–The World Counts- Impact Through Awareness
- The world food production will decrease increasing the risk of hunger and malnutrition as the world population will continue to grow.
- Water shortages will become more common (lack of freshwater is already a major problem in many places around the globe).
- Loss of biodiversity and habitat destruction including more wildfires.
- Rising sea levels will require massive investments in infrastructure.”
Extreme weather events, exacerbated by climate change, have the potential to significantly disrupt international supply chains, markets, finance, and trade. This disruption may lead to a decrease in the availability of goods, resulting in increased prices for consumers.
Additionally, exports may suffer as markets are damaged by these weather-related challenges.

This article from the Canadian Broadcasting Channel (CBC) says that the costs of climate change impacts have been rising in my country since 1983, from an average of about $0.4 billion to $1.9 billion annually.
While wildfires being the top threat for Canada, fishing industries are also affected by the increase in the sea level.
Before things get better there is a cost increase in actual money per inhabitant associated with global warming. My research can’t tell actually what it is or what it will be but for now, If I’m complaining about the cost of the grocery cart, I’m pretty much convinced it’s not going to drop anytime soon.
I don’t know for you, but for me these warnings justify my Affiliate Marketing business and the investments I do into it.
Well this is almost adding to my WHY because I know my children are at risk to suffer from all those global warming threats. They will need financial support.
I would like to teach them how they could be their own boss and give them the tools to benefit from being an entrepreneur.
I want their financial comfort and that they could enjoy their life.
I want to teach them to be respectful of what they have and construct their business on values that will be respectful for the environment.
It’s a fact that we live on the same spaceship and together we are all concerned by protecting it from the adversity of our bad habits and doubtful activities.
Respecting the planet it’s respecting our environment. It’s the air we breathe, the food we eat, and the water we drink.
However, we can’t give what we don’t have.
We should start by respecting ourselves first before we give to others and the planet.
It’s all up to us as human beings to take action now and find solutions. The warning is it loud enough to be heard?
I’m optimistic and I want to believe we will have a better future than what those reports are predicting. The fact is we can no longer stay blind about these facts.
Voilà! This was my two cents for Earth’s Day.
Hope you enjoyed and please, I would love to hear from you in the comments below. What’s your opinion on global warming? Did you do something special for the environment on Earth’s Day?
Oh! And by the way, don’t forget to subscribe to my email list. If you would like to know more about how to start your own online business from Dean Holland in person, I give you this video for FREE.
Have a good day!

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