A Healthy Ride to Wealth

What Peeling An Ear Of Corn Can Teach You About Affiliate Marketing

Corn season is over.

Today I peeled my last ear of corn of the season.

With almost a tear in the eye I was caught to say: “See you next year my friends for more delicious adventures!”

Yes, I love corn on the cob so every year when the corn season is finished, I take it a bit sadly.

But today I have decided to take this opportunity to structure my blog post on it.

When my mind is business-oriented, like everyday for near a year now, weird creative ideas sometimes pop in my mind like this.

While peeling an ear of corn, I noticed a common scheme with affiliate marketing I’m describing below.

In order to have a dinner fast enough, that is, before the sun was down and gone for the night, the fastest way for me to complete the dozen and get the job done was to peeled each cob by pulling many leaves together.

This requires more energy and to make more efforts but it’s faster than peeling one leaf at a time.

With practice, I noticed that when the tail (the stem) of the cob is long enough, I can simply break it and then get almost all the leaves off in one shot.

This is the fastest way but it requires the biggest effort because of the force necessary in both your hands to break the tail, but also because of the practice one needs to achieve this skill properly.

Then, when all the leaves are removed, you need to also remove the hair. This job requires low effort but more precision, dexterity, and patience (especially if you want to remove all of them).😁

You make a last visual check to remove, if any, small insects you may found, and your comb on the cob is ready to get it’s place in the pot.

I don’t know if you ever did an ear of corn peeling activity, but for me, at did it many many times. Now I’m good at it. I’m an expert and I can do a dozen cobs in a very short time

But there is another way to get even faster. It’s by asking someone to help you.

The other day I did that. I asked my daughter to give me some help peeling the 18 ears of corn I had to do.

For my daughter it was one of her first times she tried this art. That is, she’s a beginner.

Her technique was to remove about one leave at a time until the cob is clean. When she completed one, I did six.

By her smile I noticed nonetheless she was very happy for getting her job done. At least her sense of pride she felt from having successfully provided help is what made her so satisfied.

Of course, most people when they begin at something are not good. They have to learn and master the skills required in order to perform better.

And you know what?

Learning takes time.

Most beginners in affiliate marketing are like my daughter, they start by peeling their ear of corn leaf per leaf.

By nature, humans are lazy, so it’s normal to not make the effort one should do to become efficient. Beginners take a lot of time but that doesn’t mean they are not making progress. They are just slow.

One side effect of this is that beginners are also more prone to become distracted by the next butterfly passing by. Well, they are not committed to the process yet, have no real plan, so their focus can be everywhere, on everything.

They are disorganized. They don’t have the mindset required to perform.

This last point is critical because, if they are not well supervised, they may quit their duties on the fly, and bad habits easily come back.

However if they find someone to help, like an expert who shows how to concentrate more effort at the right place, like how to break the tail of the ear of corn for example, then progress could be made much faster.

While I still believe strongly there is no push button way to make quick money online, making money faster is possible provided the following:

  • Put your energy and efforts at the beginning of your journey, this is the phase where you learn, plan, and do;
  • Commit to your program only, avoid being distracted elsewhere by gurus selling quick money;
  • Ask for an expert to help you and learn from his/her experience;
  • Continue focusing on your tasks, practice; while you make progress, you take less time and effort at getting the job done;
  • Do this for the extended period of time required for the process to work and get your business profitable!

You will see that, at some point, when all the ground work is done, you will only need some calculated efforts here and there to get your business running smoothly.

This is when you’re almost on autopilot, making little chunk of effort at the right place to maintain and fine-tune your business.

That’s the beauty of affiliate marketing. Provided you gave the efforts required at the beginning you can achieve a passive income for life.

Just think about it the next time you peel your ear of corn.

There is no quick way to make money online without giving efforts. However, there are ways to accelerate your success.

This is when you choose to get a mentor (or serious coaching), someone that will teach you how to break the tail of the ear of corn to pull all the leaves in one shot.

If you want information about my program, then you can reserve your place for a nice webinar with Dean. Simply click the banner on the right (or below if you are on a cell phone) called “Borrow My Business”.


P.S. We all need a good laugh from time to time, and there’s nothing like a classic dad joke to bring a smile to our faces. Today, I’ve got a corny joke that’s sure to tickle your funny bone. Ready? Here it goes:

Why did the ear of corn go to school?

Because it wanted to be a little corny!

Okay, okay, I know it’s super cheesy, but that’s the beauty of dad jokes, right? They’re so simple and silly that you can’t help but chuckle.

If this joke brightened your day, be sure to share it with your friends and family, like hitting a share button for example. Everyone could use a little more laughter in their lives! And if you have a favorite dad joke, drop it in the comments below. Let’s spread the joy one joke at a time!

Keep smiling and stay corny, my friends! 🌽😁


12 Responses to “What Peeling An Ear Of Corn Can Teach You About Affiliate Marketing”

  1. Marc Avatar

    Hi Martin,
    Great analogy and so true! Peeling those corns can either take a lot of time or not so much time, all depends on the effort!
    Appreciate the way you bring both together and show us how true it all is!
    All the best and don’t forget… there’s never too much butter on corn on the cob!

  2. Scott Rulon Avatar


    Corny you are right, but it did catch my attention. I am a leaf by leaf kind of gut, but apparently I need to try something different. You are great at the art of the story.

  3. Ernie Avatar

    Hi Martin – Now I’m hungry as I love corn! In all seriousness this is such a great analogy for this business. It’s all about working smarter and not just harder but putting in the time and effort in a productive way in order to be successful. Thanks for your great reminder and for your fun to read blog posts and fun to watch TikTok videos. Now, I’m going to go find some corn because I’m hungry! Have a great week!

  4. Ezequiel Avatar

    Hi Martin,

    What a creative and insightful way to relate peeling an ear of corn to affiliate marketing! Your analogy brilliantly captures the essence of learning, perseverance, and the importance of effort in becoming efficient and successful. Thank you for sharing your unique perspective and reminding us that progress takes time, energy, and the right guidance.

    Your emphasis on committing to the process, focusing efforts, and learning from experts is a valuable lesson for anyone starting in affiliate marketing. It’s reassuring to know that with dedication, the hard work eventually leads to smoother processes and passive income.

    And that corny joke? Definitely brought a smile to my face! 😄 Sharing this bit of humor is a great way to keep the spirit light. Looking forward to more of your insightful posts!

    Keep smiling and stay corny, indeed! 🌽

    All the Best,

  5. Denny Medeiros Avatar

    Hi Martin,
    Great post 🙂
    I love how you’ve taken a lesson in corn cleaning and used it to teach an important lesson in affiliate marketing! It is more beneficial indeed to get the right person’s help. It can make the whole process better. Thanks for sharing this!

    1. Martin Lefebvre Avatar

      HaHa! A lesson in corn cleaning! I like that! Yes it looks like this I agree. 😂 Thanks for your comment! P.S. I learned two English expressions while doing this: “ear of corn” and “corn on the cob” 😊.

  6. Sarah Goulding Avatar
    Sarah Goulding

    Love this post, Martin! It’s funny how peeling corn can teach us about life and business. I totally get that bittersweet feeling at the end of corn season—definitely going to miss it, I actually really love one on the BBQ. Your comparison to affiliate marketing is spot on. It’s all about putting in the effort upfront and finding a good mentor to guide you through. Plus, who knew corn peeling could be such a great metaphor for productivity?

    And that dad joke? Classic! I’ll definitely be sharing it—because who doesn’t need a good laugh? Thanks for the fun read!

    1. Martin Lefebvre Avatar

      Yes! One on the BBQ! Sooo good! You know what? The joke I wanted to put there was in french but I couldn’t translate it in English because the joke then didn’t work. So I went to AI Assistant and ask it to find a joke in English about corn. That was it! 😁😎

  7. Sherri S Pulcino Avatar

    I loved the analogy of peeling corn and affiliate marketing business. Now I love corn but cannot eat it. Corn does not like me. I can certainly see the upside of peeling corn different ways and attacking your affiliate business differently. We start out as beginners and then learn the easier and better way to grow our business.

    1. Martin Lefebvre Avatar

      My wife too can’t eat it. That leaves more for me! 😁 Thank you Sherri!

  8. Robert Klein Avatar

    Martin, that was an ingenious comparison of husking corn in relation to getting an affiliate marketing business going and the work and guidance it takes to put it on autopilot. Nice job on the TkTok video as well! I’m impressed.

    1. Martin Lefebvre Avatar

      Thanks Robert, You’re welcome anytime when you feel the need to be impressed 😉

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