Tag: Coaching
What Peeling An Ear Of Corn Can Teach You About Affiliate Marketing
Corn season is over. Today I peeled my last ear of corn of the season. With almost a tear in the eye I was caught to say: “See you next year my friends for more delicious adventures!” Yes, I love corn on the cob so every year when the corn season is finished, I take…
What This Cessna Airplane Can Teach Us About Affiliate Marketing
Today I was at the St-Hubert airport near Montreal, where my son is taking his flight lessons to become an airline pilot. It was sky clear with some crosswind, enough to make takeoffs and landings just a little bit more challenging. From the deck of the school, I had a nice overall view on the…
Will I Reach My Goal?
Imagine a river. You are on one side of the river and your goal, your dream life, is on the other side. At first you think you could get there on a single big jump step, but there’s a risk that you simply fall short in the river. So you look elsewhere trying to find…