A Healthy Ride to Wealth

How is your mindset?

Today was time again to close the swimming pool. The warm sunny days are now behind us, nights are cooler, and it’s time to prepare for the fall season.

Oh yes summer is that short here in Canada. It’s not the first time I say this I know.

Three months ago I started the pool and now it’s already the time to close it.

This reminds me that time is going fast as well. September is here again with it’s naughty smile reminding me there are bills to pay.

Those “end-of-summer” bills are debts accumulated from vacations, my children’s school material, inscriptions, new clothes and all that stuff.

Also they include the cars’ related annual expenses like my driver license, the cars certificate payments, garage inspections, new winter tires, etc.

Like if this wasn’t enough, I have the roof of the house to repair before winter. A quick 15K$ spent with the help of my bank account margins.

When I find the courage to face my debts, because I’m in complete denial, I always feel a little panic starting to grow.

This panic comes from a feeling of urgency reminding me that clock is ticking, years pass, and my dreams are still away.

Indeed, time passes and nothing change when I look at my wallet. My financial situation is still the same and my financial advisor keeps reminding me that my retirement goes well over 65.

Ha! I’m looking forward for the day I’m going to prove him wrong!

One reason I started this business was to achieve financial freedom while I’m still young (well, at least in my mind) and healthy.

I would do everything to keep myself healthy and yes, this comes well before everything else in my business.

The reason for this is obvious. How would I drive my affiliate marketing business if I’m sick?

When I say this, I’m not talking just being sick physically but I mean mentally as well.

Today, while I was doing the tasks to close the pool, something stung me hard. No it wasn’t a wasp.

I realized that debt is a heavy burden that can take a toll on more than just your bank account.

It can also wreak havoc on your physical and mental health!

From sleepless nights to constant stress, debt can make you feel like you’re caught in a never-ending storm.

Financial stress isn’t just a bump in the road; it’s a full-blown detour that can mess with your mind.

Well, this is how I feel.

When I’m overwhelmed by debts, it’s hard to focus on anything else. I may have trouble concentrating, making decisions, or even remembering simple things. 🤔

Every phone call from an unknown number makes my heart race!

In my research, I learned that the anxiety of missed payments and looming deadlines can lead to chronic stress, which can have some serious health repercussions.

Stress can weaken your immune system, cause high blood pressure, and contribute to heart disease.

Stress can even lead to depression.😨

So, what’s the cure? A new source of income? A business?… No

Believe it or not, one of the most effective solution is changing your mindset before it makes you reach a state of illness.

It might sound overly simplistic, but a positive mindset can work wonders.

Why do you think the first thing Dean talks about, in his book “The Iceberg Effect”, is to find our WHY?

Because of our mindset!

When we start our business we don’t even have an once of the mindset necessary to make the road! It’s that simple.

In these early stages most people are in the mood of looking for ways to make quick money to solve their problem!

So Dean tells us to find something even stronger than ourselves to help us overcome our invisible barriers and win over adversity. That is, our WHY!

When you shift your perspective, you empower yourself to take control of your financial situation rather than letting it control you.

Don’t let debt control your life. Empower yourself with the right mindset and turn your financial struggles into stepping stones for a brighter future.

-my AI Assistant

By adopting the right mindset, you can push your business forward and tackle your debt head-on.

Understand this and financial freedom will knock at your door. Dean clearly understood this principle.

His book, “The Iceberg Effect”, is a fantastic resource to help you change your mindset and gain control over your life and business.

I don’t even wonder why I was so boosted with positive energy when I read this book. And I read it twice!

Hey, I know we have fun but it’s time to conclude this post now. It’s late Saturday night, I’m already late publishing this blog post and I need to go to bed.

However I will not conclude without some recommendations:

  1. Acknowledge the Problem: First, admit that debt is affecting your health. This is a crucial step towards improvement.
  2. Build a Budget: By knowing where you money goes, you will be in a better position to control your expenses.
  3. Seek Support: Don’t be afraid to ask for help, whether from a financial advisor, a mental health professional, or a supportive friend.
  4. Educate Yourself: Read books like “The Iceberg Effect” to gain new perspectives and strategies. 😁
  5. Prevention, Stay Positive: Mindset is everything. Remember, you have the power to change your situation!

It’s OK to have some debt up to a certain point but it’s not OK to let debt take your health.

I’m on a “healthy path to wealth” remember?

My business will help me overcome my debts but it would be false to say it will help cure my mind. Only me with myself can manage to keep a healthy mind.

If I want my business to solve my problem to give me the life that I dream of, I need to first work my mindset…and be patient.

If I don’t do it -and if you don’t do it- chances are that we settle on a potentially unhealthy situation. Settling is no good.

A business give results in the long term, as long as you trust the process and keep your mindset forward.

But must of all, I need to work my mindset to be a better person, away from illness. Are you with me?

Take my healthy path to wealth.


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8 Responses to “How is your mindset?”

  1. Meredith Moore Avatar

    Hi Martin,

    Your vulnerability to financial stress and its impact on both mental and physical health is something many people can relate to. The way you highlight the importance of mindset in overcoming challenges is great, and your personal reflections make the message so much more meaningful. I love how you tie it back to Dean’s book, “The Iceberg Effect,” and emphasize the importance of finding your WHY and maintaining a positive mindset.

    I appreciate your reminder that success doesn’t come overnight, it’s a journey. Thanks for sharing your healthy path to wealth!

    Keep up the great work!


  2. Robert Klein Avatar

    Martin, I’m definitely with you on the health before wealth. And I hear ya on taking the mindset approach to your debt.

    But here’s another side to tackling debt.

    It was my financial advisor who suggested I take the bankruptcy route. These days a Licensed Insolvency Trustee (LIT) tends to push you to do what’s called a Consumer Proposal, but there are actually seven ways to clear your debt in Canada.

    I took the bankruptcy route and I cleared about $70K in debt for a nine month bankruptcy for which I am smack dab in the middle of…4 1/2 months done, 4 1/2 months to go! And I got to keep about $100K in Registered Retirement Savings (RRSP) and a Registered Income Fund (RIF).

    I wish you well on mastering your craft; being able to take chunks out of your debts; and maintaining a positive mindest.

  3. Marc Avatar

    Hi Martin,
    Great read and a lot of great information for everybody who unfortunately has debt.
    Speaking of which, I’ve got to drop about 20K for a new Heat Pump and Hot Water Tank as well as insulation in the attic! (Owning a house does have its privilege’s — and costs!)
    Thanks for reminding us that facing your fears – which includes debts – is the best way to find a solution.
    All the best!

  4. Nakina Lawson Avatar

    Hi, Martin!
    Money stress is one of the greatest stressors, I think. I like your point that your why for building a business needs to be more than just money to get out of debt. Otherwise, the stress is paralyzing! I know. I started my business because I could forsee our budget was too short on income. At the rate we were going, we were going to run out of money. Operating from that point of view was not healthy. The stress was too great and I did not make the progress I needed. Having a reason other than just money helped me escape that paralysis.
    Best wishes for you!

    1. Martin Lefebvre Avatar

      It’s difficult to make progress under stress. This is why we need to stay focus and adopt a committing mindset to the tasks we need to do. Each win must be celebrated. They are source of self-confidence and motivation along with our WHY. And I agree with you. Money stress is really stressing, especially when your imagination tries to send you forward. But it is now that an action against debt should take place.

  5. Sherri S Pulcino Avatar

    I can certainly relate to the stresses of financial obligations. We start an online business because we want/need to make money. It is important to remember our “why” and have a good mindset.

    1. Martin Lefebvre Avatar

      Yes! The mindset comes with the desire of realizing your goal, driven and inspired by your WHY, and also motivated by your wins.
      To realize wins that corresponds to progress made, you need a “committing” mindset and work to get the important tasks done. The more wins, the more you take confidence in yourself and this motivates you. The WHY acts as the booster that helps you go forward when past wins are not sufficient.

  6. Phoenix Avatar

    Learning to let go of stresses is a great skill set to obtain! Hubby and I have both done considerable mental and emotional training, with my NLP and both of us training in a deeply metaphysical martial art for over 20 years. We are relaxed and free of stress all of the time. We trust ouselves to always be Ok and that works with money as well. While times have been lean with both of off work and on pensions while my hips have been bad and he caring for me we are looking forward to brighter times as we both delve into our online journeys. I’m getting I Heart Business up and running right now. And I have over 34k members in a pottery group I own and will soon put all of my pottery knowledge online – I should be able to get a few of those 34,500 group members to spend a few dollars a month to learn with me???? Get that mind set working and the rest works!

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